Friday, November 30, 2012

- jamie lockard
- - kimberly wray absolutely beautiful!!!! come and get me so that i can see personally!!! i sure my hubby wouldn't mind!!! ha ha ha absolutely beautiful!!!! come ... 2007-06-21T07:14:47.000-05:00 - 2007-06-13T14:15:11.000-05:00 2007-06-13T14:15:11.000-05:00 DELL, DELL, DELL, I HATE DELL, DID I MENTION DELL IS AWFUL??!?/
I need serious help.  I bought a Dell Inspiron 5150 back nearly 2 months ago now and have yet to get a working machine.  From the very beginning I've had serious issues with it and have been making phone calls and sending emails and am getting absolutely nowhere and so frustrated that I just want to return this computer and buy one from HP.   I can't take this aggrivation anymore and have lost around 20 customers and roughly $45,000 in annual business since these problems began.  I can't take it anymore and have got to have resolution immediately or I might as well shut my doors for good.  If I lose anymore customers I'm out of business.

The details:
William J Lockard
Order Date   4-2-2007
Customer Number - 81764374
Order Number - 598324609  &  598325952
Financed and ordered on a Dell Preferred Account

First Case number - 161196050
Second Case number - 161197106
Third Case number - 162380539
Chat Session Log - 11177307
Fourth Case Number - 164541727
Yet another email sent 5-30-07 - Was told the problem was escalated to the REC in Texas.  Adam UID: 141169  Case: 164541727.
Activities with Tech Support:
Uninstalled McAfee
Reinstalled Vista (was not told I'd lose all installed programs btw)
Ran full diagnosis 7 times with both US and UK tech support
I have various other emails and contacts but the meat of the story is below:
Finally escalated to customer support after Tech Support gave up.  Ms Vinishaa Parthipan promised to email me to get an address to which she'd be sending the new system.  This was Thursday May 31.  By noon the next day, I'd still not heard from her.   Tried to call customer support and was told I was absolutely not allowed to speak to a customer support manager by some rude switchboard employee.  Explained to him how upset I was and how his behavior was making the situation much worse.  He replied, "I really don't care.  You're not going to speak to a customer service manager.  You can speak to Tech support."  I explained to him that i'd already spoken to tech support a dozen times and they could no longer help me.  Their words.  Not mine.  And they'd transferred me to customer service.  I finally got Tony's supervisor on the phone who said he'd transfer me since I'd already spoken to them once.  Then I got disconnected.
Finally contacted by Vinishaa Parthipan Customer Relations UKIRE late on the 1st and asked for an address for a new system to be sent to.  I emailed back immediately asking for an estimated delivery date.
I was told that it'd be 10-15 working days before I could get a new system with XP instead of Vista.  Informed her that I was losing business daily and really needed it sooner.  She committed to 7-8 working days and would confirm a delivery date soon.  On the following Monday, she'd still not put the order in and said she'd get to it on Tuesday.  As of today (6-13-07) I've not received the PC or even a delivery date.  Ms Parthipan has no business in customer service and in my opinion should be fired.  She's ignored every email I've sent in days.  Has NOT followed through on her promises.  Has not delivered what she said she would and I'm convinced she didn't even put through the order like she said.  I informed her that I approve the purchase orders for the World's 3rd largest engineering firm computers and up until this point all of them were purchased through Dell.  I've now cancelled many of them and directed them to be purchased through HP.  She apparently didn't care that her attitude and rudeness is losing business now for Dell like Dell has for me.  I've lost over 20 customers for my photography/graphics business because I couldn't deliver on my contracts without a working machine.  I can't take this anymore.  All I wanted was a working machine.  She promised to get me the same laptop with Windows XP instead of Vista.  All I asked was to get it in a timely manner.  I've done everything I was asked to do and am now being ignored and I don't understand.  This was the 2nd machine I'd bought from dell and after this will probably be the last for me and for the corporation I work for.
I will also be posting this to several blogs and to my website along with the companies intranet and a global email throughout the companies 35,000 or so employees if this isn't resolved within the next 48 hours.  I've been poorly treated, lied to, jerked around, hung up on and am thoroughly disgusted by this entire experience.  I literally cannot take anymore.  I was even getting late charges because I'd financed through Dell and hadn't made a payment yet because I didn't have a working machine.  Fortunately they were the one group willing to work with me and understand.  Please ya'll I need help.  I just want this resolved one way or the other and it MUST be resolved immediately or I'm finished.  This business was to be my retirement and if I lose the customers I have left...well I'll have no choice but to join the NY State Attorney General because it's all I have left.  Don't let them ruin my business and DUDE DON'T GET A DELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- jamie lockard
- 2007-06-11T14:45:25.000-05:00 2007-06-11T14:45:25.000-05:00 My Scotland 2

Me in a kilt and more shots from my new home...
- jamie lockard
- - kimberly wray wow!!! do they really wear underwear under their kilt??? you know me....nosy!!! wow!!! do they really wear und... 2007-06-12T10:23:38.000-05:00 - - jamie lockard Nope. Not at all. It's called 'going regimental' Nope. Not at all. It's called ... 2007-06-12T15:01:26.000-05:00 - 2007-06-11T14:39:50.000-05:00 2007-06-11T14:39:50.000-05:00 another day in paradise... I still have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming.  I'm not.  It's real and I can't believe it.  See I've been trying to get here for a very long time.  For over 10 years, I've been planning to come to Scotland year after year.  I've put the money away, planned the trip to the finite detail, booked accomodations, etc, and then had to cancel at the last minute for either work or family.  Either my son was sick, a project was in trouble and I needed to stay, funerals, etc.  Typically things were more important than my vacation, but the older I get the more I've come to realize that bosses won't remember you cancelled your vacation to help and my mental well-being is more important than any job.  When the opportunity came up to possibly be in Scotland to work, I nearly fainted.  I begged and harrassed my boss to send me...and here I am.  I'm living my dream.  There is nowhere else on earth I'd rather be than Scotland.  I'll explain why in another blog.  In the meantime, just know that I've never been happier or felt more alive than I do now.  I may never leave if I can help it.  There's no crime.  There are no airplanes criss-crossing the sky.  There are no sirens all hours of the night or parties I need to call the cops to stop.  Hell I helped my neighbor with the birth of a calf the other day...just because I could and knew how.  Life is finally good.  Everything I've fought, suffered and bled for has led me to this moment..and I'm being paid to be here.  What's better than that???!  I'm now working on a book of photography I hope to publish sometime early next year.  I figure it will run about $19.95 and you can see on this blog what kind of photographs will be in it along with my journal entries from my travels. 

- jamie lockard - 2007-06-10T08:32:55.000-05:00 2007-06-10T08:32:55.000-05:00
It's true.  I've now been here for almost 2 months.  First I should apologize for not writing in awhile...but I won't.  I've been busy so that's that.
For YEARS now I've been trying to get to Scotland.  This is the land of my ancestors.  I even have my Clan Crest tattooed on my left calf as a tribute to my grandparents.  My brother and I got matching ink the day after my grandmother was buried.  I denied my blood and my family for many years, essentially because I was denied by them and abused by a certain member of my family.  So I forsook by heritage and blood but the older I got, the more I realized that frankly it's who I am.  I am a Scottish-American and I'm now very proud of that fact.  I own 4 kilts now and wear them proudly.  I really don't care about the thick-headed, uncultured, inbred, goat-shagging, trailer trash that is stupid enough to call a kilt a skirt.  Their opinion and comments to me are worth less than used toilet paper.  Get a life, grow up, and read a book.  Well first I suppose they'd have to learn to read but they're likely too stupid to accomplish even that.  Oh well.  Say it to a Scot's face and then I might listen though you'd not be able to talk with your broken jaw wired shut.
I love it here.  It's one of the most incredible places I've ever had the priviledge to be.  The people are incredibly friendly and kind and it's become amazingly evident why the people of Scotland fought so hard to keep their land and why they were, and are, noted as some of the most aggressive and fierce fighters in the world.  The wearers of the blackwatch kilt are still noted and respected as some of the toughest soldiers on the planet even now.  The land here is hard but unbelievably beautiful.  I've shot over 3000 photographs in the 7 weeks I've been here and plan to shoot thousands more.  I'm even working on a book I hope to publish if/when I return to the States.  Although I'm not sure I ever want to leave at this point.  I'm so very happy here.
- jamie lockard
- - kimberly wray i am so excited for you!!! i would LOVE to see you in a kilt!!!! :) i am glad things are going well for you. i have missed not reading your blogs....ok, gotta run... love i am so excited for you!!! i w... 2007-06-11T09:41:54.000-05:00 - 2007-06-10T08:14:07.000-05:00 2007-06-10T08:14:07.000-05:00 My Scotland

Here are just a few shots from my current life in Scotland. I've not got around 600 sellable prints that will soon appear on my website I absolutely love it here.
- jamie lockard
- - kimberly wray awesome!!! awesome!!! 2007-06-11T09:42:42.000-05:00 - - kimberly wray beautiful!!! beautiful!!! 2007-06-11T09:43:02.000-05:00 - - kimberly wray there are no words for this.... there are no words for this...... 2007-06-11T09:43:29.000-05:00 - - kimberly wray you have certainly got a gift!!!! you have certainly got a gift!... 2007-06-11T09:47:14.000-05:00 - 2007-06-10T06:12:26.000-05:00 2007-06-10T06:12:26.000-05:00 Eileen Donan Castle

This Castle in the midlands of Scotland is considered the most photographed in the world. On this day, the tide was in and a storm was approaching. The light was perfect and magnificent.
- jamie lockard
- 2007-01-19T08:41:14.000-05:00 2007-01-19T08:41:14.000-05:00 I'm a professional photographer dammit!!! Well I just spent a week in San Antonio.  Flew back in yesterday and boy are my arms tired!! badum dum!  Actually, it was a really terrific trip.  I was there for the Annual Professional Photographers of America ImagingUSA Convention.  I've attended quite a few classes and workshops over the past few years when it comes to photography.  I've done everything from weddings to high fashion to photojournalism.  This trip, however, I was focused on learning the business aspect of photography  Running a Studio, Operations Management, marketing, etc.  Stuff I really didn't know, and really, to be perfectly honest, couldn't give two flips about, but they're necessary evils to running a successful studio.  My goal is to have a studio up and running by next summer.  That gives me, effectively, 15 months to get my crap together, get all my ducks in a row in both equipment and finances to open the doors.  It's an exciting, and really scary, time.  I'm excited about the possibility but with any new business, especially one where you've got so much of yourself tied into it, there's the very real possibility of falling flat on your face and in my case losing everything.  The prospect of failure in this terrifies me.  I don't want to fail.  Hell I CAN'T fail.  I refuse.  It's too important to me.
I've worked many long, hard hours to get where I am with my photography.  It's frustrating at times because 90% of the population are under the severe, and tragic, misconception that every bonehead with a digital camera suddenly has become a professional photographer because their camera had 10 mega-pixels and has a 'P' mode which must mean 'professional!' right? W  R O N G!!!!!  There's so much more to being a pro than just looking through a little window, telling everyone to say 'cheese' and hitting the button.  Sorry guys it doesn't work like that.  There are rules of composition and there are the times where you must know when it's ok to break those rules.  How you keep from making your sister look like she's got a HUGE nose when in fact, she very well may, but there are tricks of the lens to keep it from appearing that way.  Or what about the method from keeping even a supermodel in a size 0 from looking like she's in a size 16.  It's possible and quite easy in fact to do it that way.  Not so easy to make her look like she's in a size 0.  It's not all airbrushing folks.  News flash!
Professional photographers are just that.  Professional.  We've worked long and hard to hone our craft.  I don't think of myself as an artist but as a craftsman.  Sure some people can get mediocre shots and turn them into something with a $700 program like photoshop.  But I shoot to stay out of photoshop unless there's something creative I want to do with it, or create an album page layout.  Anyone can stick photographs in a book, but not everyone can create an album design that you'll want to pull out over and over again to show everybody year after year.  I have a stack of wedding photographs 300 deep, but do you know how many times I've looked at them in the 8 years I've been married?  Twice.  Know how many times I've shown them off?  Once and that was to my mother.  I don't want that from photographs I've shot.  I want the happy couple, or the proud mom of a senior to pull that album out for many, many years to come and be just as proud that day, as the day they got them.  I don't want to be rich, I just want to re-create memories for the people they belong to.  I want the spine of that album to contain just as much magic 20 years from now, as the day it was created.  That's when I'll know I've made it.
Please don't be one of the people that think that just because they have a 10Mp Nikon point and shoot digital camera, that you're now qualified to shoot professionally.  I've been shooting professionally now for over 10 years and I've still got a long way to go before I compete with some of the big dogs in my business and I've worked my ass off to get even here.  That "P" on your camera doesn't mean 'professional'.  It means PROGRAM or 'fire & forget'.  It'll give you red-eye.  It might give you the right lighting, but it won't give you the correct composition.  It won't follow the rule of thirds.  It won't tell you that Jim has his eyes closed or Mary has a tree sticking out of her head.  It won't tell you that Sam has 1/2 his head cut off and you don't get those chances back.  And for God's sake, stay away from Wal-Mart or Sears to get your portraits done.  Your kids are only that age once so trust those photographs to a professional.  We work for a living and will give you something quality.  Not the conveyor belt, cookie cutter, harsh lighting crap you'll get from JC Penney.  It's worth the extra cash.  Trust me, I'm a professional.
- jamie lockard
- - kimberly wray geez jamie...tell us how you really feel!!!! geez jamie...tell us how you r... 2007-01-20T09:47:11.000-05:00 - 2007-01-05T13:09:16.000-05:00 2007-01-05T13:09:16.000-05:00 the Mundane life What friggin day is it?  Holiday weeks have me all screwed up.  I can't ever tell what day it is when I get back to work.  I think it's Friday but it really doesn't matter.  I'll be working all weekend anyway.
I spent yesterday in agony.  My back is in bad shape these past few days.  I've got to have another surgery but I'm not sure when yet.  Yay for me.  I just deal with it and Cowboy Up for now.
I've received several job offers lately.  One has me traveling CONSTANTLY.  I'd be scheduling turnarounds for different plants all over the world.  I'm also angling for a gig in China, but today I got a line on a position in Scotland.  I hit my knees and prayed when that one came through.  I've been dying to go there since I was a wee lad.  It's where my family is from and in fact tattooed my family crest on the back of my left calf with a celtic band all the way around.  It really turned out beautifully and was a tribute to my grandparents.  My grandmother traced our lineage all the way back to Sir Robert the Bruce and William Wallace.  In fact, my ancestor carried the heart of Sir Robert into and back from the Crusades.  Our family motto is:  Corda Serata Pando - Lays Open Locked Hearts.  I suppose anyone who knows me would attest to the truth of that statement.  So, pray for me that I get this job.  I'll take all the help I can get.  It'd be perfect for me.
Work sucks btw.  I do cost and scheduling for construction projects.  Some little, some big.  The current one is around $11 Million but I'm working on a proposal for a $55 Million dollar job.  China, if I went there, would be in the Billions most likely.  Really boring stuff for most.  I do like scheduling, but HATE doing Cost.  I'd rather be doing contracts and can't wait until I have enough money in the bank to open my photography studio.  That's what I feel like I was born to do.

Anyway...GEAUX TIGERS!!  They kicked the CRAP out of those stupid little Notre Dame leprechauns.  They actually thought they could come to our house and win.  HA!  LSU-41 ND-14.  Fools.  Can't beat the LSU TIGERS!  NEVER!!!
Taylor's Birthday
Start:     Nov 12, '07 10:00a
Location:     wherever I am
My son's 9th b-day
- jamie lockard
- - kimberly wray he is 2 day's older than jonathan. i did not realize that.... he is 2 day's older than jonat... 2007-01-18T16:58:04.000-05:00 - 2006-12-27T08:57:37.000-05:00 2006-12-27T08:57:37.000-05:00 Another Day in Paradise... God I HATE Florida.  I really, really do.  I'm a mountains/vista's kinda guy and this weather blows.  I've had such a hard time getting into Christmas this year in large part because of the weather.  We're averaging mid 70's though it's actually in the 50's today.  Winter in Florida has arrived...boooo!  I WANT SNOW!  What's the point in having seasons if, well, you don't have seasons.  Down here it's either Football season or summer.  LAME!  I can't wait to get out of here.  Got a job offer in Alaska last week.  Now THATS winter.  Man what a terrific experience that'd be.  All the photographs I could take and could make a small fortune inside a year.  I'm still holding out for China though I think.  I know that sounds crazy, but I really want to go.  I've been wanting to get out of the States for a bit and do know a fair amount of Mandarin Chinese so it'd be perfect.  Not to mention I could easily make enough in a year to pay off every single bill I have and put enough aside for my studio.  A year in Mainland China wouldn't be so bad I don't think.
Christmas is now over.  YAY!  Sadly I really don't like Christmas much anymore.  There are several reasons I won't get into on here.  It's just not for me anymore but then it is now for my son who LOVES Christmas.  He made out like a bandit this year getting everything he asked for and TONS more.  The in-laws were here this year so of course he got spoiled.  We went to Universal Studios on Saturday.  They went to Disneyworld yesterday and it appears they're going back today.  What am I doing?  I'm working 1/2 day doing absolutely nothing of any redeeming value then going to the Doctor to get my spinal cord implant adjusted.  Yay for me!!!  I can hardly contain my excitement.  Someone better strap me in.  Ugh.
Ok I'm done bitchin...for now.  Later!!!
- jamie lockard
- - kimberly wray well...i don't know what to tell you...MOVE!!!! just kidding. i'm glad taylor had a great christmas...jared and jon did too. you know, you could share the wealth....:) i mean, i wouldn't mind... well...i don't know what to te... 2006-12-28T10:12:07.000-05:00 - 2006-12-26T10:13:30.000-05:00 2006-12-26T10:13:30.000-05:00 Southern Exposure Photography http://www.WJLockardPhotography.Com
This is my website. I'm working with a new company to revamp this site and I'll warn you there are, and will be, some nude images here. I'm a professional photographer, however, and anything you see on here will be artistic and tasteful. I DO NOT SHOOT PORN!!!!!!!!!!!! There will be a warning page before you get to the nekkid stuff, however, so it's safe to browse. I also have some links to two different charity pages I have. One is for the American Cancer Society and the other for Hurricane Katrina Victims. EVERY SINGLE PENNY I make in profit will go to these organizations. I truly believe in helping out my community and Katrina broke my heart like no other woman ever has and that says alot.
- jamie lockard
- 2006-12-26T10:11:32.000-05:00 2006-12-26T10:11:32.000-05:00
This is a portfolio for a group I belong to that does wonderful things to promote State Parks all over the US. I'm working on uploading my portfolio so check back often.
- jamie lockard
- 2006-12-26T10:06:00.000-05:00 2006-12-26T10:06:00.000-05:00 Birthday
Start:     Oct 14, '07 11:00a
It's my 34th birthday...DAMMIT!!1
- jamie lockard
- 2006-12-26T10:04:57.000-05:00 2006-12-26T10:04:57.000-05:00 San Antonio Trip
Start:     Jan 15, '07 11:00a
End:     Jan 18, '07
Location:     San Antonio
Will be in San Antonio for a Photography Convention
- jamie lockard
- 2006-12-26T09:57:12.000-05:00 2006-12-26T09:57:12.000-05:00 first entry... Well...hmm....never really been much on 'blogging'.  Kinda think it's a stupid word personally but whatever.  I suppose if I'm going to have this site, I might as well do something with it dontcha think?  Where to start...hmmm....
Well I'll just tell you a bit about myself and my history I reckon.
I currently live in Tampa, FL.  I say currently because I've lived in 10 states in 7 years so that will most likely change soon enough.  In fact, I'm angling for a project in China at the moment.  I work for one of the worlds largest construction firms as a Project Controls Manager.  I've also done contracts, procurement, and lots of other really boring stuff.  I also, however, own and operate a photography business both portraiture and fine art.  I'm 33, male, blonde hair and blue eyes.  I have an 8 year old that is the SPITTING IMAGE of me.  "I shall call!"
I recently returned to Louisiana after Katrina hit.  People that know me, know that Louisiana is my home.  Even though I've lived everywhere, Louisiana and South Mississippi will always be my home.  When I returned, I spent 10 months in New Orleans trying to get it back on it's feet.  It was a long, heart-breaking 10 months.  When I arrived in October there were more refrigerators on Bourbon Street than people and it was difficult to bear.  Seeing my home like that really hurt.  I did, however, spend alot of time shooting photographs and am currently working on a book of photography of what I saw and lived through.  It's coming along and should be something really special when finished.  My goal, is to get out of the construction business and become a full time photographer.  I'm hoping a year in China will not only really bolster my portfolio, but also my bank account so I can get er done.
I've been through alot including 3 back surgeries now.  This is most likely a direct result of spending a few years as a professional bullrider.  Yea, for those of you who know me, I rode bulls for several years.  What can I say I'm an adrenaline junkie and a glutton for punishment.  As a result, however, my back is in bad shape and won't get any better.  Nothing to do about it but suffer through it.  I'm an avid reader, and LOVE being outdoors.  I own several boats, camping gear out the wazzoo and would live in a tree if the climb didn't suck so much.
My son is my pride and joy.  He is my world and my life.  He is everything I could hope for and more and is very, very special to me.  He's also my biggest pain in the ass.  But then he wouldn't be a child of mine if he was otherwise...right?
My friends, though I have but few close ones, are my family.  I'd die for any of them, and I'd give them anything I had just to make them smile.  They know who they are.  Yes Kimmy you're one of them and Jeremy too.  I miss ya'll.
And that's about it.  If you wanna know more...just ask.  My website is WWW.WJLockardPhotography.Com.  It hasn't been updated in awhile but I've got some pretty good stuff on there.
- jamie lockard
- - kimberly wray oohhh...i love you too!!! glad to know i can keep up, hopefully, with you better now.... oohhh...i love you too!!! glad... 2006-12-26T11:26:04.000-05:00